Tuesday, November 29, 2011


fortunately..this time around would be a long day for me to spend my holidays with my family...yeah holiday still be the same holiday...trust me this one whole month will passing by without I realize it..why I said like that becoz based on my past experience...my past holiday was just been wasted with all useless thing that don't bring any benefit for me as a student....
So for this time around I promise myself( perhaps become a reality) that I will use this holiday as maximum as I could so that this time somehow will become an useful output to bring back to MCB...InsyaAllah...
yeah..My life as an IB student is a great experience as I learned a lot for the past semester 1...a lot pressure been took from me..but to me I take it slow n steady...I believe that all the challenges I received is from Allah and I totally believe that this sort of challenges will be useful for me for the future...This experience will be kind of experiment so that mistakes that been done wouldn't be repeated...
back to title..Silent has been a common for me...as I rather be a silent person rather than talk nonsense non stop ( u know what I meant)...but this kind of habit have their own cont where it will loose your self confident to speak your opinion...and this thing I realise when I am in college...I remembered my English teacher once said that 'people would not give an opportunity you,you must search for it n grab it, definitely world is unfair for all of us'..yeah she said it when IOP session..
So to make this thing clear...you somehow must voice out your opinion whether in a discussion or just talking with your friends...because maybe our litte opinion is useful and can produce something that outstanding...that's the point of discussion as all opinions of the members are counted...
that's all for today...
*My point is that silent doesn't mean you don't know anything, but sometimes being silence will be a first bad impression towards you...

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